Private Sector Jobs

Jobs Alert: TCS Job Vacancy Is For Freshers, Know How To Apply

TCS Job Vacancy: There is good news for MBA freshers who are looking for jobs. He is going to get a great opportunity to work with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS). The company has taken out the vacancy for MBA freshers from all over India. Candidates have time till October 9, 2021, to apply for this vacancy at the giant IT company TCS.

TCS Job Vacancy

While issuing the notification for the job vacancy, TCS said that for the hiring process for the year 2022-23, they have come up with a vacancy for management candidates of each category, in which candidates who have passed in 2020, 2021, and 2022 can apply. For this, he will announce the test date soon.

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TCS Job Vacancy: Eligibility

According to the notification of TCS, the candidates should be between 18 years to 28 years of age. Candidates should have all their required mark sheets and certificates. Candidates will have to visit TCS iON for all necessary communication related to the vacancy.

How To Apply

  • To apply for this TCS vacancy, candidates have to visit the TCS Next Step Portal.
  • After that, they have to register themselves for TCS MBA Hiring.
  • If you are already a registered user, then log in and click on ‘Apply For Drive’.
  • If you are not a registered user, then register yourself and proceed to the IT category.
  • After this, you have to remove the test mode and click on Apply.
  • You can also track your application through this portal. For which you have to visit Applied for Drive.

TCS Job Vacancy: Keep These Things In Mind

TCS told MBA freshers that while applying for this vacancy, candidates should keep some things in mind. TCS will give all the job-related updates to all the candidates only on TCS iON. Apart from this, TCS does not contact any candidates through unofficial mail ids nor does TCS demand any deposit from the candidates for the same.

6 thoughts on “Jobs Alert: TCS Job Vacancy Is For Freshers, Know How To Apply

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  • hello

    Dear Respected Sir,

    my name is SYED BABAR ALI

    i am from pakistan

    there is my detail

    Age: ( 39 )Date of birth/15- August 1982
    Job description:
    I am Electrician or ( Electrical technician)
    I have practical experience, more than 10 years & certification but
    I don’t have a Diploma or degree of Electrical,
    I can work as an Electrician and Plumber helper ,Construction Laborer-General Labor or Helper , office boy, security guard because I wish to work abroad,
    I am physically fit and Energetic
    No disability,
    Kindly consider me, if I can do anything for your company!
    I have attached my C-V and all of my details are in.

    further we can communicate on

    Whatsapp no.



    Syed Babar Ali

    Father’s Name:

    Syed Mohammad Yousuf (Late)

    Phone No:



    Whatsapp no.



    Flat No. B-10, 2nd Floor, Aiesha Complex, Sector 5-i, North Karachi, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

    Postal Cord: 75850

    Email Address:

    Nationality: Pakistani

    CNIC Card: 42101-3995789-9

    Police Character & Clearance Certificate VC/74699

    Passport: LU1797893

    Date of issue: 17 Sep 2021

    Date of expiry: 16 Sep 2026

    Driving License LTV

    Date of issue: 13 October 2021

    Date of expiry: 13 October 2026

    Blood Group: O Positive
    and medically Fit,

    I’m writing to you today to apply for the position of Truck Driver. As a
    dedicated and hardworking individual with many years of driving
    experience, I am thrilled at the opportunity to become an integral part of
    the supply chain for this company. I am a motivated self-starter with the
    ability to manage my time and thrive in an independent position with
    little need of oversight, making me an excellent candidate to get the job
    If so, then you need look no further. You will see from my enclosed
    resume that I meet all of these qualifications and more.
    Working as a Truck driver in U.A.E., I was in charge of hauling several
    thousand units of product to and from various locations. These trips
    would often see me driving across the country and making hundreds to
    thousands of miles in a single round trip depending on the destination.
    Through it all, I was commended on my 87% efficiency rating and ability
    to make the most of my time each day before stopping.
    Thank you for taking the time to read over my letter and consider my
    application. Truck driving is a lifestyle I greatly enjoy, and I believe I have
    much to offer the company with my many years of experience. As a
    trucker, I have every intention of continuing to perform above and
    beyond at the job I’ve dedicated so much of my life to.
    C O N T A C T
    +971 52 4751436
    +971 56 1790127
    Dubai, U.A.E.

  • Hi good afternoon sir My 11year expeexperience in UAE I am poor family relation I need job in Canada I hope you can help me think you so much


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