Rajasthan Police Constable Bharti 2021: Recruitment For 4438 Posts
Rajasthan Police Constable Bharti 2021: The youth engaged in the preparation of police in Rajasthan have a good chance to become a constable. Actually, 4438 posts are to be recruited in Rajasthan, the application process for this can start in the next month i.e. in September 2021.
At the same time, a detailed recruitment notification can be issued by Rajasthan Police in this regard soon. In which complete information from the application process to fee and educational qualification will be included. Candidates can visit the official website of Rajasthan Police police.rajasthan.gov.in for regular updates.
Explain that the state government will recruit 8,438 posts of police constables in Rajasthan Police in the next two years. For this, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has also given administrative approval for recruitment to these posts during the year 2021-22 and the year 2022-23 on the proposal of the Home Department.
Rajasthan Police Constable Bharti 2021
According to the proposal, during the financial year 2021-22, 4,438 vacancies of constables in Rajasthan Police and 4,000 vacancies of constables during the year 2022-23 will be recruited by the Jaipur-based Police Recruitment and Promotion Board, Rajasthan.
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Presently recruitment is under process for 5438 posts.
The special thing is that at present the process of recruitment on 5,438 posts of constable in the police department is under process. Apart from this, approval has also been given for recruitment on 438 other posts of Challani Guard.