Abroad Jobs

McDonald’s To Create 20,000 Jobs In UK And Ireland

US fast-food giant McDonald’s has announced plans to create 20,000 jobs in UK and Ireland to help meet an expected surge in demand after the pandemic.

Jobs in UK

McDonald’s said in a statement published on Sunday that it will open 50 restaurants over the next 12 months as COVID restrictions are eased.

20,000 Jobs In UK And Ireland

The American conglomerate currently employs over 130,000 people in 1,400 restaurants in the UK and Ireland.

“It’s wonderful to be able to provide an additional 20,000 people with the opportunity to work with us,” said McDonald’s UK and Ireland CEO Paul Pomroy.

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“There is no doubt that the pandemic has taken a huge toll on employment opportunities for many people and threatens the future of high roads up and down the country.”

However, Pomroy also cautioned over the weekend that McDonald’s was facing recruitment difficulties in line with the wider sector.

“It is becoming harder and harder to recruit staff”, he told the Sunday Telegraph newspaper.

UK Hospitality

Trade body UKHospitality must be warned of a “staffing crisis” due to the result of pandemic travel rules and post-Brexit immigration.

According to a recent analysis by the trade organization, the British hospitality industry is short of about 188,000 employees.

3 thoughts on “McDonald’s To Create 20,000 Jobs In UK And Ireland

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